If you are looking for a superior concentrate vaporizer, the pearl attachments designed by Kandypens are just what you need. They come in four colors; Black, Chrome, Gold and Gunmetal. All of them have practically the same specs. It depends on you which of them you choose.
How to Use
They can work paired with K-box vaporizer, mini, Prism+ vape pen and, Crystal and Crystal 2 dab pens. They are easy to clean as they came with a built-in self cleaning system. Being handcrafted, they do not feature either wicks or dyes, the stainless coil they feature can be removed to replace. The place of manufacture may not be relevant, but they are designed in the USA. They use a ceramic chamber together with a glass mouthpiece to ensure the best flavor. Each of these attachments come with a dual layer porous system to ensure that the wax you melt is not wasted, that is to say that the two porous make sure that you get the full concentrate of your wax.
The best of all is that the pearl attachments are compatible with numerous batteries, all of them coming in all shapes and sizes you can imagine, ranging from the eGo series to box mods with wattage and temperature control. This compatibility allows you to have many ways to use any of them and when you alter the temp or watts different results are achieved.
back to menu ↑Features
Although all of them share the same specs, first-hand users have different experiences on the different Kandypens Pearl attachments and that matters a lot when choosing either version of the them
Some of the customers who tried the pearl vaporizers have reported that the pearl black attachment has a mouthpiece simple to clean, but it fits a bit loose, while the pearl chromium mouthpiece seems to be week at times now that some users have reported that it may break with ease. You should be careful with the use of the chromium mouthpiece. Other users have had a great experience when it comes to flavor and clouds in the three attachments, meaning if you are looking for an attachment that excels at providing flavor, either of these three is suitable for you.
back to menu ↑Pros and Cons
- Great flavors
- Slick looking device
- Affordable
- Tip is a bit loose
- Can not be used above 20W
Overall there are many pros to using Kandypens pearl attachment. It is a slick looking device that will offer you a smooth vaping experience. The device is easy to use with great flavors and is at an affordable price point of 39.95. As an advice, it is not recommended to use either of them above 20w, otherwise the heating component may be seriously damaged. If you are looking for more reviews on other vapes check out our review on the Black G Pro.